Malaysian International Rally
about m.i.r
In addition to the Christmas and Easter celebrations, the event we look forward to the most must be the annual rally. It is marked down on all our calendars and everyone feels the excitement building up as the preparations are being made in the months preceding the rally.
The rally had its humble beginnings in 2007 with around 100-120 people in attendance. It was held at the Summit Mall Auditorium and called the Pioneer Rally. Subsequently, the rally was held in church for several years and as we saw steady growth, decided to move the venue back to The Summit again.
The Pioneer Rally was renamed the Malaysian International Rally as we began to see more participation from regional churches. The last rally was the most successful one with 340 delegates from churches all over south-east Asia in attendance. It was indeed a privilege to meet 'siblings' from Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam and China.
Modeled after the annual conference in our mother church at Chandler Arizona, one of the main initial reasons Malaysia was chosen as a host was our brothers and sisters from China because it was more feasible in terms of visa facilitation and cost. Over the years however, it was open to regional churches because of our central location.
For us at The Potter's Fellowship Church, it is a mini reunion of sorts. We forge and renew friendships and generally have a good time in addition to hearing some awesome preaching. It is an atmosphere of cheer and togetherness. Everyone takes part in the preparations be it the choir, the worship team,the transport volunteers and the disciples who set up all the AV equipment. It is our rally and we endeavor to honor God by making it a success every year.